We need your help to expand our reach and help more homeless individuals.
Hearts for Homeless is a volunteer staffed non-profit that makes compassionate connections and brings heart centered support to individuals experiencing homelessness in our local community. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Hearts for Homeless provides a number of critical services to help the homeless including client advocacy, digital access assistance, as well as emotional and social support.
Please give now to make it possible for us to do our work. Our volunteer staff is growing, and we are rapidly expanding the reach of our services, but we can't do our work without you. The support of community members like you can have a tremendous positive impact in your community and on the lives of people experiencing homelessness.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and your donations will be tax exempt.
Client Advocacy:
Mental & Emotional Support Advocate (MESA): MESA is a Client Advocacy program that empowers those experiencing homelessness and assists them in navigating the often-complex process of accessing services and resources. MESAs are volunteer client advocates who work on a one-on-one basis to provide their client with a personalized service while establishing a supportive connection.
Emotional & Social Well-being
Connect With Your Soul (CWYS): Dealing with the complex stressors of homelessness is overwhelming and in the process, mental health is often overlooked. As part of Hearts for Homeless’s overall strategy to holistically address the complex needs of people experiencing homelessness, the CWYS program provides emotional and social wellbeing support workshops which also functions as a safe community space.
Digital Access:
Tablet Connect Program: In an era where most services have moved online, having reliable access to the internet is vital. One of the biggest barriers to getting services is the lack of digital access. We're addressing the challenge by providing qualified clients with a digital device, such as a Tablet or Chromebook to facilitate ease of:
Communicating with service providers & accessing services
Job Searching
Communicating with support networks and/or family
Accessing & sharing information
To join CWYS or to connect with a MESA
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